Doin service :)
Lunch after service
Love you!
Elder Beck
Hola mi querida familia!
How's everybody doing this week? I hope every one is great, and I hope you all enjoyed General Conference!
I really enjoyed Conference. First, 2 whole days in an air conditioned chapel ;) lol And Second, all of the talks were AWESOME! I must say that my favorite session of all was the Priesthood session :) But ALL of the talks were incredible. It is just so obvious that this is the true Church. I am so glad that we have prophets and apostles on the earth today. They truly receive revelation from God. They just say the things that one needs to hear. I was able to learn so many things and think about lots of ways that I can improve. I liked the talk about doing and being too. It really made me think. As a missionary I can ask my self 'I'm doing what a missionary does. But am I BEING a missionary...a representative of Jesus Christ?' I think there are always ways that we can be better :)
So, last night when we got to the house there was no power, again. It was raining pretty hard with lots of lightning. It reminded me of the monsoons in Arizona ;) I was sweating like crazy because I couldn't turn my fan on, so I decided to lay down on the tile, cause it was a little bit cooler haha. As I was laying there, I was thinking about what I would write to the Best Family in the World the next day (today). I realized that basically the only exciting thing that had happened this week was General Conference, and I couldn't think of anything else to write about. But, this morning I received a call that gave me something else to write about!
The 4 of us in that house woke up and exercised and everything, and then we were kinda sitting around lazily.....just talking...and putting of cleaning the house. Suddenly, at about 730am, the phone rang... Elder Garcia answered and all he said was "Yes, yes, yes, OK, ok, 900am, yes, Bye." And then he hung up the phone and told me that BOTH of us were being transferred! So, I sat there for a few seconds waiting for him to say "Just Kidding" ....but he never said it..he just went and started to pack. And so did I. lol I think that was the fastest that I have ever packed. I left a few things in the house that I don't use much and a pair of pants that was too worn out to put in the suitcase ;) We got all ready and then went and waited, in the rain, with suitcases, for a taxi.
When we got to the Bus Terminal where we always go for transfers, I met my new companion Elder Pinza. He is from the southern part of Guayaquil. So, my record of all companions from different countries is over haha. And now we are in the city of Portoviejo, in the province of Manabi. We aren't very far from the beach! ;) This is one of the 3 zones in the mission where we can eat seafood, too. The zone is called Portoviejo, and the sector is called Reales Tamarindos. Elder Garcia was here before he came to Los Rieles lol. It was about a 4-hour bus ride from Guayaquil. And guess who else lives in this house?! Elder Contreras! It's the first time in about a year that I've seen my son ;) haha Elder Garcia got transferred too, and I think he is in another part of Guayaquil.
So, that's the big news for this week. I guess it's a good thing I got transferred or I wouldn't have had anything to write to you all about ;) lol Next week I'll send a pic with my new companion, cause we still don't have any pics together. It's very possible that this could be my last sector....but nothing is certain, just like EVERY thing in the mission ;) lol I'm gonna miss the members and investigators from Los Rieles a lot. That was SUCH a good sector! And we were going to baptize an entire family next week....lucky Elders that are there now. (I just hope they can find them! lol) I love each and every one of you SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! Thanks for being such an awesome family. You are the best! Smile always :D I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Elder Beck