Hey family!
What's up, up in the United States?
Everything here in Vinces is going great, and I still have a hard time believing that I am training! lol But everything has been going great with my son :)
First of all...On tuesday, all of the trainers met at the house of the APs in guayaquil by the mission offices. One of the other trainers was Elder Baum! It was fun to talk to him. He's going to be a district leader now too! We were the only 'gringos' that are training this change :)
After about an hour and a half of waiting, we went to the mission offices and they gave us the suit name tag of our kid and then we had to go into a room where all of the greenies were and look for our kid haha. It was a little bit crazy and fun haha. I found my kid and they took a pic of us and sent us off to our sectors.
My companions name is Elder Contreras and he is from Nicaragua! He is barely 19 years old, an only child, and his dad is stake president :) He studied in the University before the mission and was studying Architecture! He also plays the piano really well, and plays violin. So...we've got some things in common :) This week has been great and I've been teaching him how to eat rice like an Ecuadorian lol.
And we've been teaching a little bit too haha. This week we put a marriage date for Luis and Maribel (the ones who gave us their J-dub bible) for the 9th of April and Baptism date for the 10th of April :) I hope they keep progressing well, and maybe we can move their dates to a little bit sooner :) Yesterday they came to District Conference and enjoyed it. Pres. Gamboa was there too and mentioned the names of the investigators that were there and they liked that haha.
Hmmm....last week the relief society made lasagna! With white sauce :) It was SOOO good...even the mushrooms! haha And they sang happy birthday to me :)
Something that I thought was funny from the conference yesterday... Instead of announcing 'a special musical number by the choir' they announced 'an intervention by the choir.' Like they thought we were fighting and the choir needed to intervene lol. random, but good for a laugh, i hope haha.
I heard the Apple Bottom jeans song this week. low low low low low low low. Made me think of home a bit lol.
People here point with their lips. It's pretty funny and I want to pick up the habit and bring it home with me after the mission haha.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but NOBODY here uses a fork or a knife. ONLY spoons! Try cutting meat with a spoon. Or eating spaghetti. It's hard. lol
Mom and dad, one of my house-comps wants a little English hymn book like i have. Would it be possible to send another one my way, please :) Thanks!
This week, with the Relief Society is going to make the Choc Chip cookies...and I'm going to teach them. Wish me luck! If the cookies don't turn out good, i'm fine with that. I'll just eat the dough lol.
Well, that's all for this week I think. A pic of Elder Contreras and I will be coming your way. I love you all SOOOOOOO much! You're the best fam in the world. Keep working hard. Keep writing letters :) Keep praying!
Love you all!
Love, Elder Beck