Monday, October 4, 2010


Hola mi querida familia!!!!

How's everybody doing this week? This has been a good week, here in Salinas.

On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we continued with 'normal' days. Just preach and teach and work, like missionaries do (that's a song right? lol) But on Thursday we had a little change. Due to the 'political unrest' here in Ecuador this weekend, we had to stay in our house all day Thursday and Friday. On Thursday we hung up hammocks in the porch and read....A LOT. (And maybe slept a bit too ;) ) And then when we got bored of reading, we would eat something. And then we would read some more. And then eat some more..etc. One Elder said that we were reading the scriptures, and then we pondered what we had read while we slept, and then in the night we received revelation because we couldn't fall asleep lol. And that's basically what happened. On thursday night, Elder Baquerizo and I played mini-Clue. It was one of the prizes he got in his box of cereal. It was a pretty exciting game...especially since I won! lol And that's pretty much all we did. The members brought lunch and dinner to our house, thankfully :)

On Saturday we were REALLY excited because we got to break out of the house and go to General Conference! And General Conference was AMAZING!!! Firstly, because I saw almost all of it in English! haha We had to watch the sunday-morning session in spanish, cause that's the session that all of the members come to and they didn't all fit in the chapel, so they came to the overflow room where we were watching it in English :P But it was still great! A few favorites were Elder Holland's jokes about Girls Camp without shampoo, showers, or mascara. And the green Jell-O, Quilts, and Funeral potatoes. That's what mormons are known for! In the states at least, cause here they don't do those things lol. And I want to say THANKS to Mom and Dad for all of the sacrifices you have made, and continue making, for me :) Next, Elder Uchtdorf's talk where he started talking about tree-rings and then asked what that had to do with flying airplanes. That was hilarious. I liked when he lost his voice too. Not just cause of the little joke he made, but it helps us remember that, even though he is a counselor to the Prophet, he's still just a guy. He loses his voice just like normal people :) I liked his message too about slowing down a little and seeing the things that really matter. Simplify our lives. And that in family relationships, love is spelled T-I-M-E. So true. And stuff like that just doesn't translate to another language, so I was happy to be watching it in English :) Elder Gong's talk in the afternoon was really funny. "Blackberries read in church make green Bishops blue" hahah. And the letters from the Elders that tasted his wife's bread. Classic! In the Priesthood session, when Patrick Kearon spoke, I had a really hard time not thinking about Harry Potter (because of his accent lol). I loved Pres. Uchtdorf's talk about pride. It turns of Priesthood power. I loved what Pres. Monson said about obedience. It is easier to obey 100% of the time, instead of ober 98% of the time. SOO true!!! (He was. Talking like Ryan. Scheckler and that. Was really. Distracting LOL) And in the Sunday afternoon session, Elder Lawrence's talk for parents of teens. That was a very clear and straightforward talk and I liked it. I like that he mentioned the importance of family dinner. Sorry, Alexa, that you will never be able to have a sleepover And I like that he said Counciling requires courage. All in all it was a really great General Conference. And it went by WAY too fast! I'm already excited for the Conf. in April! :)

I thought of something I would like in the next package. Some more pics..I think I already asked for more Hawaii pics. I want some pics of me with my group of friends from church too. Like some fun pics of us when we went to GC, seminary graduation, and other pics with friends. I know there are some good ones on my Facebook, so you can get some from there... :) Thanks a ton!!!

Well, that's the news for this week! I love you all SOOOO much! I'm so glad I have such an amazing family that loves and supports me in the things I do. Thanks for that :) I LOVE YOU!!!!

Love, Elder Beck

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